This morning as I was practicing, things were clearly not the same ,not from looking on the outside or within me as I have some new poses of late in my practice which always stirs things up a lot.But there have been many days,that seem like I am repeating things over and over again in just the same way, but even on those days that seem rote and routine, ordinary, flux, transformation is subtly churning away without making a fuss or asking to be noticed. The process of change is often quiet,humble, unassuming yet present.
Today, I had a complex conversation with my daughter about topics we revisit often and my response is often the same and sometime I get frustrated with what seems to me the same question or my same response. Such encounters often lead to disconnection, discord. As I found myself hovering on the boundaries of vexation, my mind literally paused. I saw myself in my yoga practice, my same mat, my same asanas, my same breathing, yet when I saw the kaleidoscope of the thousands of times of me on my mat, each fleeting memory had a subtle difference in texture,quality and tone.As I watched myself practice in my mind , I realized that I had cultivated much patience in repeating these poses,each time a little differently with greater compassion ,depth and perception each time. I took a breath and realized,what good is this yoga , theses asanas that really have small import in my life compared to the great understanding and empathy that is required to be attuned to another human being , moreover, my own daughter,who on the outside may seem to be asking me the same question, but on the inside is struggling to reformulate something different,new, and possibly risky.So just as my yoga yoga practice changed deeply, yet subtly so too my responses today ,although on the outside may have been of the same content,yet they formed from a different more thoughtful, patient and supple person, from a new wellspring that has really been there all the time, but required a practice such as yoga for me to refind...