Friday, March 12, 2010

Poems form between Sleep and Wake

This one is by me as I awoke this early spring morn,
 I went to sleep last night rummaging
thru the albums of my mind
old grey black and whites,some newer, recently coalescing
some frayed around the edges,creamy yellow
streaks of time passing,age

Some memories are not complete,just poems
in a line a man quoted to me in a dream
last night
Some people remain as  a poem
in a memory
Some people in memories come
to completion as poems
Some remain as poems

I awake in stillness
to the soft singing of
the birds

the time has come this early spring to share some of my own poems,at least sometimes...


  1. I like the idea of poems forming between sleep and waking.

  2. thank you, poems often form in transitional states,i like your bog too

