Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thank you .......,for my life.

This Sunday morning as I finished up my yoga practice,I was feeling nice, kind of vulnerable,but serene inside , grounded.I was going to stop in a Whole Foods nearby which usually has a very crowded parking lot.It was still early for a Sunday ,so the lot looked to be not very crowds,,so I turned on mu left turn signal, moved into the turning lane that was empty ,to make my turn.A big white Volvo suv was leaving the lot, about to make a right turn.I patiently waited as the white car began its turn,when all of a sudden a small red car going about 45mph was coming straight on to collide with the white suv ,which may have killed both drivers.I honked as loud as I could to alert the red car to slow down, but it was too late.The man in the red car intensely gazed at me and I at him and in a locked stare of frenzy but also deep compassion, I understood, he started swerving onto my lane directly head on to me , to protect the person in the white car.I was trapped in the turning lane,desperately honking with no where to move, thinking I would die.Suddenly a strange and unbelievable sensation occurred, I literally felt by spirit lifting,rising, out of my body,hovering patiently, waiting as if for directions as to where to go.My conscious intellect remained aware and here is where the divine intervenes. The little red car speeding to collide head on with me swerves around me 360 degrees into opposing traffic that had cleared and the greatest miracle of my" life being spared "has just occurred.I see the little red car out of thecorner of my eye at the curbside, the man bowing his head on his steering wheel for a few minutes.I ,still waiting in the turning lane, trembling, really more like shaking, tearful, feeling a heavy protective cloud above me, the sensation of a hollow space in my chest where my heart usually resides,but had lept out in solidarity with the cloud , the veil of my soul above my head.I stopped in an empty bank lot to gain composure, reflect, put down these thoughts.I still feel the hollow in my chest that my spirit is cautiously and thoughtfully re entering me in some new way for me to learn.Today,I am the luckiest person on this planet, my life was spared,I am alive.I am reminded how second by second I am given this gift, the miracle of living.When I am bestowed such elegant auspicious grace,I ask of those of you who happen to read this today,what next..
perhaps ,the singular answer , is there is only "one answer", to be good, to be just,to be loving,to be compassionate,to be so grateful for the miracle of my life and give back because miracles grow,expand, save our lives ,give us life when we try to live,love and give.Today's story is true, it is a story of a day in my is about .....hope!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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