Lately I have been thinking about how ,why ,if,when ,whether my yoga practice influences me ,my life,my interactions,aspirations and if so,how and at what rate and with what rhythm.I ask this because of late,dare I say my practice feels okay ,good,settling,invigorating etc words that connote judgement,expectation ,inspiration.There have been powerful terrestial rumblings on and in our earth of late,volcanoes ,tsunamis,devestation,rebirth.In March of 1835 Charles Darwin witnessed a massive earthquake hit Concepcion ,Chile.Darwin wrote in his diary ,"Journey of the Beagle" what he observed on March 5,1835 ,"For some days after the devastation the sea did not rise to its usual marks....some thought the land had elevated ,but the common and prevailing idea was the sea had retired.This alteration gradually diminished ,till in the middle of April,there was a difference of only two feet between the existing and former high water marks...from the visible evidence of dead shell fish,water marks and soundings and from verbal testimony of the inhabitants,the land had risen 8 feet."
Thus the theory arose and was confirmed by observation and measurements of geological shifts that over the course of thousands,millions of years mountains grew as a result of tetonic shifts during volcanic activity that gradually lifted land upwards from the sea and gradually,patiently mountains developed.
The formation of mountains comes gradually after eruptive geologic shifts over a large period of time.The transformations of one's self through yoga or any other transmuting process evolves over time ,in its time.We do not have control of the formation of a mountain .Do we have control over the formation ,evolution of ourselves?Do we really know when and how a change occurs within us that leads us to be greater than we are....
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