I have been in yoga zone for many a day lately.I am slowly returning to the rhythm of my daily life. I had the fortunate experience of being taught for a week with Tim Feldman and Kino Mac Gregor in the "old shala style" tradition of ashtanga yoga. I have learned much and expanded my mind , breath and asana practice. Although ,much of the teachings are often about the physical nature of yoga and breathing, what is so unique about Kino and Tim is their dedication to teaching "the human being, the everlasting soul of who we are. They impart wisdom,knowledge,experience,kindness,compassion and generosity. They model the tradition of yoga to be practiced in all aspects of our life,not only on the mat.Here are some words from Tim and Kino that I carry with me now;
- First,train the mind to pause,
-Cultivate an attitude of friendliness to those who have attained the results we want.
-Cultivate an attitude of compassion,"karuna" to the suffering
-Cultivate an attitude of disregard to evil and those who create suffering
-Maintain peacefulness in your life regardless of the experience in your life
-Only someone who has experienced the dark places can truly teach
-Knowledge that you know is true no one can talk you out of
In gratitude to Tim and Kino and those who shared their practice,energy and breath with me,Om Shanti
What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing!