Saturday, December 4, 2010

Teaching independence to a whale calf in its first breath

Today on the the radio on npr on the "third coast audio" festival they were playing old audio pieces from the early days of npr.One of the pieces which touched me was by Keith Talbot called "Ocean Hour". It is a musing of memories, sounds,feelings evoked by the ocean. The piece included a small excerpt of the work of Dr. Marie Poland Fish who worked as an oceanographer collecting audio pieces of the marine life of our oceans.This was done as part of a government project in the context of differentiating between the sound of submarines and marine life sounds.The sound that I heard today was heart wrenching. It was the sound of a mother whale screeching, wailing,rumbling in search of her lost whale calf. I found the piece haunting and searched for it online to share on my blog. I could not find it, so I will share the link here.

What I found instead was the you tube of a mother whale teaching her newborn calf the beginnings of independence in its first moments of life. One can see in the video that the mother whale stays very lose and gently nudges her calf up to the surface where the calf can open its spout and take in its first breath. Each time the mother whale gives the calf a little more space,a little less nudging until the calf freely and spontaneously with exuberance swims up on its own and flips around in space moving freely in space on its own. This graceful act of gently and patiently teaching her calf self reliance brought tears of joy to my eyes.It is so profound,simple yet auspicious to facilitate the growth,wonder and self discovery for any other being.It is joy in its essence!

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