A crude car bomb was found in a smoking suv on Saturday afternoon in Time Square.Two street vendors, ex Vietnam vets alerted NYPD to avert an impending tragedy in the bustling Saturday night crowd of leisuring human beings.Members of the bomb squad clad in hazmat garb quickly and efficiently descended in rescue mode.
When I first saw the NY times post,the vision seemed surreal,remote as if I was watching a futuristic scifi movie unfold, however this was captured in real life and real time ,this time ,again. Perhaps the immediacy of today's lightening fast media has desensitized me .Later ,on a long drive to work, I could not stop seeing the image of the "hazmatic Knights" in their protective armour in my mind's eye.The image of the impending doom and disaster was real to me,then, as I imagined the worst of the worst that was thwarted. I pondered upon the fragility of my freedom that I regularly take for granted.I thought of the countless Knights of the world who silently, humbly, bravely , protect my daily freedoms as I practice and live my life. There would be no practice of yoga, no space to appreciate the gifts of life, if not for those ,who never ask for recognition or praise as they put themselves in harms way, so that our lives continue. So on this bountiful May day where I am given these abundant gifts of freedom, I give at least, gratitude and honor to all of you who so quietly and selflessly give this gift of freedom to me...To all "Hazmatic Knights", I give thanks to thee
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