Bright yellow, mauve - in stately rows.
This one you’ve picked’s a lovely thing,
I know it brightens up our spring.
But in the forest, springtime’s child,
A purple iris growing wild,
Can melt my heart as spring melts snow,
It’s spoilt me for the sort you grow!"
- Jude, Wild Iris
the word "iris" in greek means "eye of heaven".The goddess Iris would carry messages from the gods to humans gliding on a rainbow.Iris is the personification of the rainbow and a swift footed messenger.In Homer's Iliad ,Iris is noted to"run on rainy wind"She carries a message from Zeus to the gods as to not encourage the Trojans in war.Iris is also the goddess who leads the souls of women to the Elysian fields, hence in Greece iris blossoms are placed at the grave site of women to evoke the goddess, Iris so she may be a guide on this journey.
Dark blue,purple irises denote royalty, yellow iris;passion.
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