Saturday, May 22, 2010

Guru Parampura

"Guru Parampura"-The unbroken succession by transmission directly from teacher to student
Although, I have not had the privilege of meeting Sri K Pattabi Jois during his lifetime on earth, I feel I know him well through of all of those who now teach me and have been taught by him. I am often a late bloomer in many things in my life and with ashtanga yoga as well, I have found it or "it" has found me closer to the middle of my life.There are many paths and practices to self knowledge, but for me right now a practice that is practical and does not take for granted that we are but layers and layers of matter that contains our spirit,our soul.Ashtanga yoga implicitly makes us aware that to find and question something about ourselves,we must dig and dig past all of those dense energetic layers. And if we are once in a while fortunate enough to see things a little more clearly, what then do we do with such wisdom.Wisdom ,truth,goodness,kindness is not designed to be a hoarded treasure.Our self knowledge fades and transfigures if we do not open ourselves up to be part of the unbroken succession of this transmission, the kind of light like a torch to be handed on to those are ready to take part in this great joy and responsibility that we share with each other. In fondest memory to a great man with the kindness and generosity to hand over his torch to us. Hari Om !

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