I have been thinking lately about the nature of memory, that is my memories and how they form and transform over time. Usually a memory is vivid ,immediately after the actual event happened in real time. Then with time, the image that has formed changes,like an old photogragh, printed the old way,where the tones oxidize over time with the the vapors permeating the air it lives in. So too, our memories ,their hues and tones,recolored and reconfigured by new experiences layering on top of the original memory. I am finding that there are few memories that retain the tone,vibrance and deep dimensions of the original experience. The type of memories for me that retain that primal ,visceral quality that they began with are the ones attached to fierce emotions associated with the people in my life that I have the deepest and most complex relationships with. It is as if those memories are stored in a treasure chest where time can not penetrate them.They remain as they were when they formed.Perhaps that is how we come to be these beings that are voyagers in the past,present and future and we never really can catch ourselves in time .
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