Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do Injuries Soften Us or Harden Us-Beyond the fibers of the pectoralis,lie the chambers of my heart

My heart with all its mysterious chambers lies beneath the dense protective fibers of the pectoralis....

Yoga and Injuries...a subject we try to avoid talking about as it can get kind of raw , perhaps too much of a whiff  of reality unexpectedly comes our way.Injury, pain, and hopefully and eventually recovery and healing  welcome and inevitable in our lives, in yoga, in relationships.... People often ask me, do "you" ever get injured in "your practice",almost as if they  imagine that I never injure myself. or get an injury, that  I am resilient, invincible. I can understand that myth a little as I am told that on the outside to "others eyes", my practice seems internal, quiet, steady, determined, that I am reflective. It is true that sometimes I feel calm in my practice , but sometimes I do not, and even when I seem  more internally focused  or quiet, there still is  fluctuation of the mind and emotion   erupting within  me, as still waters do run deep, human that i am. and yes, I have had many injuries, some of greater import and others of less . It is truer that I am more silent during an injury as I tend to lick my wounds softly without calling  more attention as I find the attention causes more pain festering and suffering.
. I tend to work quietly through a pain on my own terms.It has always been that way more or less.This week I experienced a new type of injury ,at least for me. I have been thinking lately about mula bhanda, the root lock,  if somehow I can get closer to sustaining that feeling in a more continous subtle yet deeper way in my practice. I began imagining  the image of the mula as a vessel or bowl that holds, circulates energy up, in and through me.With  a greater accessibility to matters of energy I  imagined a protective, nourishing bowl hollowing out at the base of my person  .You  could say, I even felt a  metaphoric warm breeze of support enveloping me , only briefly,very fleeting, none the less present , at least sometimes.
    So what does this have to do with injury, I think that I convinced myself that somehow this energetic metaphor, would   really not only virtually protect me in some way,rather than just let "it" just be without expectation.. As I have had injuries in boney tissue, soft tissue, catilage, muscle and yes, in my soul as well, I am sensitive to knowing, feeling where  the sensation stems from. Earler this week, I had a nice gentle, but deep practice, things seemed less effortful, like my breath was moving me rather than my physical being moving my breath. One could say, that it was" nice", a gift amidst this harsh stoney grey cold winter world. When I arose from  the warm mysore room  , acutely and suddely  I felt a piercing, jabbing knife like sensation under my left breast bone. I know my  own heart sits  with  crimson red and venous  blue tapestried walls under that protective bone of glistening white cartilage  rib and fibrous tenting muscle.. it felt as if the pain  came from my mere walking into colder air , literally piercing my heart..yes, i had been working deeply, but  I had a pleasant ,mindful practice of late. I was trying to decide if this was actual chest pain, fractured rib, strained muscle , all of those frenzied places the" not calm" mind will travel. .Over the next couple of days, I noted I could barely bare weight on my left side in chaturangas.and turning the steering wheel to the left in my car caused pain-discomfort. I nursed the pain with ice-heat-ice, ginger, tumeric etc and gradually the pain started melting.I realized the discomfort was in my pectoralis muscle, the tent like large protective fibers,that shields my heart , the sting radiated  around my chest. I am recalling the details of this injury as I have never had an injury  in a muscle that envelops the muscle of "my heart". It is a whole new level of experience and learning when the hot  stinging energy of pain surrounds one's "very own heart".I have been feeling unusually vulnerable, friable,delicate ,fatiguable and vincible. It as if this warm tingling energy is melting away the walls around my heart. I have had emotional experiences that have left me feeling this way, but less so as of yet in the form of a physical energetic sensation of melting.I am sitting now with this new sensation, in curiosity and reverence and with kindness , as after all I am  delicately entering the "chambers of my own heart"......


  1. For You Emma:
    May the chambers of your heart heal.

    High School Senior (from The Wellspring)
    by: Sharon Olds

    For seventeen years, her breath in the house
    at night, puff, puff, like summer
    cumulus above her bed,
    and her scalp smelling of apricots
    --this being who had formed within me,
    squatted like a bright tree-frog in the dark,
    like an eohippus she had come out of history
    slowly, through me, into the daylight,
    I had the daily sight of her,
    like food or air she was there, like a mother.
    I say "college," but I feel as if I cannot tell
    the difference between her leaving for college
    and our parting forever--I try to see
    this house without her, without her pure
    depth of feeling, without her creek-brown
    hair, her daedal hands with their tapered
    fingers, her pupils dark as the mourning cloak's
    wing, but I can't. Seventeen years
    ago, in this room, she moved inside me,
    I looked at the river, I could not imagine
    my life with her. I gazed across the street,
    and saw, in the icy winter sun,
    a column of steam rush up away from the earth.
    There are creatures whose children float away
    at birth, and those who throat-feed their young
    for weeks and never see them again. My daughter
    is free and she is in me--no, my love
    of her is in me, moving in my heart,
    changing chambers, like something poured
    from hand to hand, to be weighed and then reweighed.

  2. Dearest Yaara, I share Sharon Old's sentiments,thank you for reminding me of one of my favorite poets and poems,"you are in me, moving the chambers in my heart"

