Friday, January 8, 2010

Pas de deux avec les faons dans une foret d'hiver

This family of fawn are becoming a natural part of my life.It is interesting to reflect on what encounters in our lives lead to something more profound than just a casual  fleeting  passing episode in time. I wonder to myself , how and why does it happen that with some people, creatures something more enduring  and intimate ensues ,that we want to return ,that keeps drawing us back.I think it is something in the eyes,a slight movement of the head, the neck,yet the eyes remain fixed, penetrating, inviting.
   I have taken to bring my camera with me wherever I go these days. I am finding it is a way to facilitate my pausing, lingering, taking time to absorb a moment fully. This morning, my fawn friends again grazing, waiting, licking the moist white carpet of snow. I  have a sense of when they will be there now.. It seems they like to prance about when it is most  beautiful outside and when the air is soft and light.I share that love with them. They seem to be less frightened of me, let me get  just a little closer. There are two larger sleek males with coiled antlers proudly bowing, nodding. They are protective, one stands in front of the herd and one in back. It is interesting  how they, will let me almost approach them ,but then back off. They move closer to me if I get to close to a young one or a female fawn. They are  majestically regal .I am captivated  by their graceful slight,lithe movements.I am honored that they do not run from me. I feel vulnerable in their presence for they are the experts in foraging in the wild, they are the ones who survive with dignity every frigid  long winter, they are the one who have memorized the rhythm of the moon,the stars, the sun, the imperceptible turning of the earth, they are the ones who stay together in a herd looking out for each other no matter what. They are the one that with such contentment gently lick  the fresh fallen snow....
  and here are my lovely friends today...

