Saturday, January 16, 2010

Words are limiting to the mysteries of the heart

Dearest Readers,"dearest", i say as it is endearing to me that you venture onto my blog and let me share my thoughts with you so I thank you for your time, your interest...The yogic way tells us to learn from our injuries, that our mistakes are our greatest teachers. I often wish that were not the case because both injuries and mistakes are painful and in our less than ideal states we sometimes unnecessarily and blindly repeat them. So this recent pectoralis injury, this tingling warm prickly sensation is softening, but , it is traveling , radiating toward my back through  my arm  pit , so to speak. I am following the tingling sensations  to where the insertions of muscle fibers begin and end. It  has led me to greater intrigue to research what muscles I am actually using misusing or not using in my yoga practice, in my life practice.     On a deeper level, this experience,is teaching me more about the limitation of  language , words. The sensory experience of pain, love, joy, taste, smell, touch, sadness, ebullience etc  does not lend itself well to description in words, try as we do. Our minds translate feeling, sensation,touch sight, sound,light ,into words so we can communicate something of our  personal experience to each other as by nature we like to share.. It is always an approximation at best. The body and deeper aspects of memory speak in the language of images, metaphor, ether,illusoriness.When I follow this warm, sometimes hot tingle radiate under my ribs, the image of bright saturnian like goldenrod rings turning on  its axis around my heart appear. I do not know what meaning this may have or even if it has a meaning. I imagine if I surrender to this image, other images may come and go, perhaps memories, sensations, colors, light, sound. Sometimes I wonder what rare troves are  stored in our soma and if we had the courage to attend with greater presence to  these sensations, what creative wellsprings would we find. I have said earlier, that we prefer not to feel pain, but do we prefer not to be creative.I always wonder , in order to unearth creativity ,passion, must we cultivate an ability to endure pain to necessitate growth. Do we then become stronger, more resilient,  suppler, softer sylphlike and sensitive .......

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